
Prayers For a Speedy Recovery

Prayers For a Speedy Recovery

How often do you find yourself in need of healing? Or maybe it’s a friend or loved one who needs to get well? Praying for healing and a speedy recovery is an important part of life as a Christian. We can’t avoid the coughs and colds that come around every Winter. Nor can we protect ourselves from every bump and scrape that’s bound to happen. But, we can trust in God’s incredible healing power.

Prayers For a Speedy Recovery

What Are Some Prayers For A Speedy Recovery?

You don’t have to overcomplicate prayers for healing. Remember, you are God’s child. Just as a toddler who has fallen will go to their parent to make it better, we can run to God when we are hurt, expectant that He will help us.

Here are some prayers to get you started:

Healing Prayer For When You’re Sick

Dear God,

Thank you for all you’ve done for me, and your goodness in my life. Please heal me of this illness. Help me to rest well and as I do, accelerate my healing so I can get back to full strength and energy soon. Please flood me with your life and restore me.


A Prayer For A Speedy Recovery From An Injury


Thank you for your protection and for my recovery so far. I ask you now to please heal every wound and injury I have. My body aches and my recovery feels so slow. Please God, would you come in your supernatural power and repair all the damage to my body.


A Healing Prayer For Others

Dear God,

I lift up [name] to you and thank you for them. Please watch over them and make your presence known to them today. As they rest and recover please release your healing to them, bringing them strength, life and energy.

Let them return to full health soon, with no lingering pain or side effects.

Heal them now, quickly, and let them encounter your goodness and love as you do.


Prayers For a Speedy Recovery

Having Faith To Pray For Healing

Have you ever prayed for someone and they haven’t been healed? So often, even when we pray with all our feeling and faith we can see our prayers go unanswered.

When someone asks for prayer for a speedy recovery it’s easy to let our past disappointments hold us back from praying again.

It’s impossible to give one, clear, answer to why God sometimes heals, and sometimes doesn’t. We live in a world that is still broken and still full of darkness and, we know, it’s only when Jesus comes again and renews the earth that all pain and sickness will be gone.

But, God does move powerfully today. He heals and He walks with us through the most heartbreaking of health diagnoses. Sometimes we just have to submit our disappointment in not seeing someone healed to the mystery of God, trusting that He is sovereign.

When someone you know needs healing, don’t shy away from praying. Bring your disappointment to God and let Him release hope for healing to you once again. God is big enough to handle both our questioning and our prayers for healing all at the same time.

Next time you need to boost your faith for healing, why not read through Jesus’ healing miracles in the gospels? Or, reach out to your church community and ask for recent testimonies?

How Can I Pray For Someone To Have A Speedy Recovery?

Praying for someone to recover from sickness or injury is as simple as saying, or thinking, your prayer.

Pray however you would normally pray, perhaps in bed or while you walk and, as you do, think of the person you’re praying for.

It can be so encouraging when you’re sick to know that people are praying for you. As you pray for a speedy recovery, think about messaging the person to say you’re praying for them. Maybe you could commit to praying every day?

You can also echo your prayer with a physical act or gesture. Sending a card or choosing a thoughtful present can bring God’s love and goodness to life for someone in a powerful way.

Three Things To Include In Your Healing Prayers

When you’re praying for a speedy recovery or for a total healing of a serious health issue there are three things it’s good to make sure you include.

Gratitude: however you feel, start your day and your prayer with gratitude. God has done so much for us, just look at our beautiful world! Starting with gratitude helps to get you in a healthy, humble, posture for prayer.

Trust: voice your trust out loud and remind yourself that God is sovereign. Whether we understand His every decision or not, we just trust that He is God and that He is good.

Boldness: be bold in your prayers, you are God’s son or daughter remember! Scripture tells us to pray for the sick so don’t be hesitant or afraid, you are simply living out your call as a disciple of Jesus.

What Are Some Healing Prayers For A Speedy Recovery?

Ultimately there is no formula for a good healing prayer. Look at how Jesus healed - He did it differently every time.

We have to trust the Holy Spirit in us to guide us as we pray.

As you pray, listen. Listen out for nudges and thoughts from the Holy Spirit and pray in response to them. God may give us ideas or insights that relate to the person we’re praying for.

Begin your prayer time by asking God to guide you as you pray. Leave room for Him to speak, have a journal to hand and note down what you hear. He might highlight a passage of scripture to encourage someone, or He might reveal the root of the person’s pain and help you pray with accuracy.

Remember, God loves you and can take off your hands all your worry and heartbreak for your sick friends and loved ones. He is with you in it all and He can carry the heavy burdens for you.

Finally, remember that you are not alone. You are part of a global, growing community of praying people! Your prayers join millions of others.

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