
What Is The Best Daily Devotional For Women?

What Is The Best Daily Devotional For Women?

What Is A Devotional And How Are They Helpful?

In this blog we're going to take a look at suggestions for the best daily devotional for women and how can we make room for one in our lives. It can be easy to think that we don’t need a daily worship routine in our lives. We can think that we will just find the time to fit it in but how often have we started the day with the best intentions to have a quiet time with Jesus and then our phone pings or the doorbell goes or we suddenly remember a thousand ‘essential’ things on our to-do list? Sometimes it is hard to drag ourselves away from this world and let ourselves rest in His company.

What Is The Best Daily Devotional For Women?

Devotional - A Useful Tool

A daily devotional is a study tool that helps us to reflect on the ways of God and grow spiritually. Devotionals often start with a reading from scripture, followed by a reflection and then a prayer. Sometimes it can be really useful to have a devotional to guide us through our times with the Lord. It doesn't have to be long, but a gentle soak in His presence will reset our hearts and minds to face the rest of the day. The Glorify App is a fantastic tool to help you to focus on God wherever you are in your day and you can use the daily devotional on your run, on your commute or even at your desk on your lunch break. As women, we pride ourselves on being able to multitask, but this isn't always such a good thing. Sometimes we need to just stop and take the pressure off ourselves. As well as looking after your body by eating well and exercising, think about your spiritual self-care. The Glorify App has a devotional every day as well as guided meditations, sleep playlists and morning stretch routines to help you to focus your thoughts on God throughout the day.

What Is The Best Daily Devotional For Women?

In A Battle

Remember, we are not just in a battle with the enemy, who does his best to turn our thoughts to a thousand other things, but also with ourselves. We can be lazy, busy or just plain distracted, but when we actively commit to spending time with God through the use of a devotional and allow Him to speak, it can and will change our lives over time. When we set up a framework around our quiet time with God, it helps us to protect that time. We have Jesus as our example, who even in the busiest times of His ministry, valued time with His Father above everything else. [caption id="attachment_8961" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

What Is The Best Daily Devotional For Women?

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash.[/caption]

How Can We Make Time For A Daily Devotional?

1. Plan In A Time Where You Are The Least Likely To Be Interrupted

For some, it might be as soon as you wake up, or, if you have young children, just after you drop them off at school. If you have a busy job, a short time during your lunchtime or in the evening might be best for you. Using the Glorify App, you can set reminders for your wake-up and wind-down sessions so it never slips your mind! There are plenty of prayers, studies, and devotionals that you can work your way through at your own pace.

2. Become A Creature Of Habit

You might like to use the same place to spend your quiet times in. My mom has a ‘God chair.’ She sits there most days and asks God if He has anything to say to her. Then she sits and waits. Sometimes He says something and sometimes He doesn’t. It isn’t fancy or flashy. It’s just a chair, in the corner of her bedroom. When we build our quiet times into our routine, they become a part of who we are. When my mom sees that chair, it reminds her to spend time with her Father God.

3. Get Out To A 'Thin Place'

There is a Biblical precedent for 'thin places', which refers to a place where someone has previously received a revelation or felt God speaking to them before. It is a place on earth where heaven feels close. In the Bible, we see Elijah, in 1 Kings 19, ascending Mount Horeb to meet with God. For me, just the act of being in the fresh air and getting my body moving, feeling the wind on my face and the soft grass underfoot, helps me to forget the pressures of life and just be in the beautiful world, which makes it easier to begin to pray somehow. 4. Don’t Aim Too High We can be daunted by the thought of sticking to the same schedule every day but just take it one day at a time. We don’t have to aim too high; we do not need to impress God with our striving, He only wants our hearts. Let us learn to turn our hearts to God, and come as we are, to learn from Him and become more like Him. Even five minutes is better than not coming at all.

5. Little And Often

As a busy mom, there have been times when I can't find a space in my day to come to God. At these times, my prayer life consists of one liners: “Help!” or “I’m sorry!” or “Please”, and God has the grace for that. A verse I stumbled over during this time was a great encouragement to me: “He gently leads those that have young” (Isa. 40:11). There is nothing more precious to God than a heart that is turned to Him whatever situation we are in, and He will never turn away someone who comes to Him. Like vines in the vineyard, the framework (the vine) holds the weight of the fruit. Imagine the grapes as the good things that God wants to speak into your life today. Instead of living in a state of constant overwhelm, where you are struggling to get off the hamster wheel, set aside a protected time in your schedule to let your soul commune with God. Although we cannot change the world at once, we can meet with God in the unexpected places: on a hilltop, walking along a busy street, on the commute to work. Why not download the Glorify App, a great devotional tool for women, to help you to set up and protect that special time? "Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name." Psalm 103:1 Photo by Angelo Casto on Unsplash

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