
The God Who Speaks To Your Future

The God Who Speaks To Your Future

Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Are you wrestling with hope and purpose? Then meet the God who speaks to your future.

The Book of Judges

The Book of Judges gives no indication as to who wrote the book, but Jewish tradition names the prophet Samuel as the author. Clues within Judges suggest it was written before David established his throne in Jerusalem (1004 BC). Joshua's passing occurred at the beginning of the fourteenth century BC (Joshua 24:29), and the judges reigned until the prophet Samuel anointed Saul as king of Israel. The primary message of Judges is that God will not allow sin to go unpunished.

The God Who Speaks To Your Future: Introducing Gideon

We’ve reached the fascinating story of Gideon. The Midianite army was oppressing God's people. They were despairing, discouraged and depressed. But God intervenes, stepping into Gideon’s life and speaking boldly to his future. This story is captured in Judges, chapter 6, verse 11 through 16:

The God Who Speaks To Your Future

"The angel of the Lord came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites. When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.” The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.”Judges 6:11-16 Who do you see when you look in the mirror? What do you feel about the person staring back at you? Now, think a little deeper. Have you ever wondered how that compares with who God sees? And how God feels when He looks at you? Using Gideon’s story as our inspiration, this contrast in perception is what we’re contemplating today.

The God Who Speaks To Your Future

Do you struggle to be confident? Are you overwhelmed by your doubts?

Gideon was a deeply insecure man. He comes across as a bit of a coward. We first meet him in hiding, cowering in a winepress and shrinking from his enemies. He evidently didn’t have a high opinion of himself. “My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family,” he stutters to the angel. When Gideon looked in the mirror, he clearly didn’t see much of value. He saw someone who was “the weakest and the worst”; someone who had little to offer. A nobody. He was full of questions and doubts. “Why has all this happened to us?” “How can I save Israel?”.

"The Lord is with you. mighty warrior"

Does any part of Gideon’s attitude resonate with you? Do you struggle to be confident? Are you overwhelmed by your doubts? Do you ever feel like a nobody? Just as Gideon did, you can allow God’s voice to speak powerfully into your insecurity today. For God knows your potential. He sees the incredible you that’s hidden inside. He doesn’t judge you by how you feel, but He sees you for who you’re created to be. God is a God who speaks positively to your future, then provides the roadmap to get there. Listen to how the angel speaks to Gideon: “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” Sorry, what?! Can you feel the cognitive dissonance? Gideon didn’t look like a mighty warrior at this point. He certainly didn’t feel like one. And yet God declares him to be one. God looks beyond Gideon’s insecurities and marks him as a faith-filled hero.

The God who speaks to your future:You are strong

I wonder, what might God be saying to you today? Beyond all your worries, insecurities, and discouragements, who’s the person He sees? In case you’ve forgotten, there’s plenty of scripture to nudge you in the right direction. 2 Timothy 1 says you’re saved and called. 1 Thessalonians 1 says you’re chosen. Colossians 2 says you’re complete in Christ. Romans 8 says you’re more than a conqueror. 2 Corinthians 12 says that when you’re weak, you are strong.

The God who speaks to your future: You are a child of God

On top of all of this, God saves His best promise for last. As Gideon queries how he can step into this scarcely-believable God-given identity, God tells him exactly why it’s going to come to fruition: “I will be with you.” (verse 16) This identity journey is never one you have to do alone. God sees so much more in you than you see in yourself, and He has promised to walk you into it. So listen for His voice today. Let Jesus rewrite your story. You are a child of God!

Lets pray

Heavenly Father, my prayer is simple today. I want to see myself as you see me. Would you show me who I am in your eyes? Where I’m feeling weak, insecure or in despair, I hold on to your promise: You are with me. Help me to go from here with my head held high, hand-in-hand with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

An invitation from Glorify

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