
Student Prayer: A Blessing For The New School Year

Student Prayer: A Blessing For The New School Year

Being a student can be incredibly hard work. It’s not just the energy needed to apply yourself to academic study. While you’re a student you have to deal with worrying about your grades and how well you’re doing. Not to mention the questioning about what it is you’ll do when you finish studying.

Whether you’re a first time or a mature student, you’ll find a student prayer here to pray over your new school year.

Student Prayer: A Blessing For The New School Year

A Student prayer For First Time College Students

Dear Jesus,

As I look ahead to my first year as a student I ask You to be with me.

Please help to settle my nerves and erase my worries. I ask for Your peace and comfort to help keep me calm and relaxed as I begin the year.

Lend me Your energy and focus, God, as I press into the discipline of learning.

I ask you to bless me with good friends and classmates. Let this year be one of connection and camaraderie, not isolation.


Student Prayer: A Blessing For The New School Year

A Student Prayer For Mature Students


Thank You for this precious opportunity to study at this point in my life.

I ask that You would bless this time of learning and give me the energy, focus and clarity to thrive in my studies.

Please give me the time management and organization skills to balance my course along with all of the other commitments and needs in my life.


A Student Prayer For Overwhelmed Students

Dear Jesus,

I’m so thankful for the chance to study and learn again.

But right now, I can’t help but be overwhelmed by everything else going on in my life.

Please lend me Your peace as I balance the commitment of studying along with all of my other responsibilities.

I ask You to help me make the most of the time I have to study and to not be distracted or stressed when I settle down to work.


As you go into the new school year, it’s helpful to have some advice and encouraging Bible verses to hand. You can stick these up at your workstation, or save them on your Glorify app, to turn to during any stressful moments.

Encouraging Bible Verses For Students

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

This is a brilliant verse to help you remember that God will strengthen and help you when you need it. Whether you’re feeling exhausted by your to-do list or dismayed by some recent results, remember that God is there with you, to support and champion you.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Matthew 6:33-34

Remember that God knows and God loves you. He knows all of your worries, He knows how much you have to get done and the time you have to do it in. God is our great provider and He will give you everything you need to get through the day.

Student Prayer: A Blessing For The New School Year

Living Well As A Student

With the pressure of study and connecting with new people, it can be easy to forget to take care of your mental and emotional wellbeing when you’re a student.

Connecting with God is the foundation of wellbeing. As we connect with Him, He takes our worries and stress and replaces it with peace, rest and joy.

Here are three tips to help you keep connected to God during your time as a student.

• Try a daily devotional: living well as a student can be as simple as making a habit of doing a daily devotional on Glorify. Spending a few minutes connecting with God before you go into your day of classes and study can make a huge difference to how you feel. • Line up a playlist: The next time you’re working away at some coursework or cramming for an exam, try lining up a worship playlist to listen to. Though subtle, having an atmosphere of praise and worship in your room can help you stay connected to God’s presence as you work. • Take in joy: It sounds simple but being mindful of what you consume is a brilliant way of looking after your emotional wellbeing. Make a point of taking in joy, however you can. In the books you read, the films you watch and the people you hang out with. Ask yourself, does this person or activity make me feel more or less joyful? Do they point me towards God, or remind me of my fears and worries? Remember that God is the giver of joy. He delights in you and He loves to shares His joy with you.

Along with these tips, praying a short prayer every day is a brilliant way to protect your emotional wellbeing.

A Student Prayer For Emotional Wellbeing


I place my heart and my emotions into Your hands.

Please come and protect my heart and guard my feelings. As I navigate the stresses and strains of student life, will You be with me, encouraging joy and dispelling fear.

Will You keep me safely under the shadow of Your wings, lending me Your strength on difficult days and helping me to rest well even in the busiest of weeks.

Jesus, I know that You have felt everything I’m feeling, that You know exactly what it’s like to feel tired, to feel afraid and to feel pain. I trust you with my life again and with everything I’m feeling today.


Remember that God is the author of all and every day of your life has been written by Him. In this season of study you can trust that He knows exactly where you’re going and what’s to come.

Photo by Aaron Burden via Unsplash Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

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