
Praying About Climate Change

Praying About Climate Change

Praying about climate change is something we can all do. Concern for climate justice seems to be at an all time high. So, how can we be effective in praying about climate change?

Praying About Climate Change

Why pray about climate change?

Those living in extreme poverty are often the first and hardest hit by climate change . UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said: "There is a clear moral and economic imperative to protect the lives...of those on the front lines. We owe this to the entire human family, especially the poorest and most vulnerable communities and nations that are the hardest hit despite being least responsible for today's climate emergency."

Praying About Climate Change

As a Christian, why should I care about climate change?

Climate change will have the greatest and most devastating impact on the poor and vulnerable, that is to say, those we are called to speak up for (Proverbs 31:8-9). Taking positive action should be a way to live out the love that God has given us.

Praying about climate change

Here are a selection of prayers that use can use for praying about climate change and those most affected by its impact. For more on prayer check out this post.

A prayer for those without water

Loving God. Thank You for everything that You have given to us. We thank You for the food and water we have in the world. We pray that You will help us to remember those around the world who struggle to access these resources that You have given to us. Help us to help others, so that we all have everything we need. Amen

A prayer for open eyes

God of all, open our eyes to see You in all that You have created. As we think of how great You are, move us to help our brothers and sisters and care for the earth that we share. Amen

A prayer for those threatened by rising sea levels

Creator God, you have blessed the world with lands and seas that are bountiful and marked by great beauty. Give us eyes that see the damage caused by climate change, minds that understand the problems and hearts that reach out in great generosity to support our sisters and brothers as they take action to address their great concerns. May we listen to them and work with them with respect and commitment. Give us new hearts so that our sisters and brothers can face the challenges of climate change with a new hope. Amen

Praying About Climate Change

A liturgical prayer for climate change

Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth. We pray for the Earth’s soil, that its richness be protected to ensure abundant harvests for all. Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth. We pray for all creatures who share Earth with us, that their beauty and diversity will be preserved. Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth. We pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who have been and will be directly impacted by the effects of climate change. Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth. We pray for future generations, may they learn from our environmental irresponsibility and be good stewards living simply and in harmony with all Your creation. Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth. We pray for all human beings, that we will be filled with a spirit of concern for the future of our environment, bring an end to the exploitation of the earth’s scarce resources, and live as responsible stewards protecting and respecting this gift of creation God has placed in our hands. Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth. We pray for wisdom for decision makers around the world, that wealthy nations may make amends for the harm they have done to the environment and find creative and just solutions to protect all of creation and ensure climate justice. Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the earth.

A prayer for those who suffer

Lord God, we thank you for the gift of life. We thank and praise you for the mystery of creation. We know that You are in us and we in You. Help us support and protect the victims of climate change everywhere; those who’ve lost their homes or livelihoods to the ravages of famine, fire and flood. Above all, teach us to live in peace and harmony with all creation. Lord, in your name, Amen

A prayer for stewardship

Your creative love, O God, brought forth our world, once a garden where humans could taste and see the goodness of the earth. But our eyes have been blinded to the beauty of creation, to the knowledge that it is gift, one given so that all humans may live and flourish. Call us to renewal, to stewardship; call us to solidarity to the earth and all its creatures. Give us new vision to see the fragile beauty that remains to us; give us new spiritual energy to become active in loving the world through our daily life; give us new voices to speak out for environmental solidarity. Bless us again with the gift of being a joyful community; bless us with a love of your creation and we will glimpse your Eden once again. Amen

A prayer for peace and justice

All-powerful God, You are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of Your creatures. You embrace with Your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of Your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. We thank You for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace. Amen Photo by jcob nasyr on Unsplash Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

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