
Prayers to Bring Back Hope: For a Broken Relationship

Prayers to Bring Back Hope: For a Broken Relationship

When a relationship ends, it can seem impossible to find hope again. We can feel down and overwhelmed by the pain of betrayal, hurt, and resentment. There is hope, though. Prayers are a powerful tool when figuring out a broken relationship. Your prayer life can be a source of encouragement, affirmation and healing in painful times. Connecting with God brings peace in a way nothing else can. Jesus is called the 'Prince of Peace' and as you pray and share your heart with Him his peaceful presence can soothe and heal you. Restoring hope is a process and some days will be easier than others. Don't be afraid to share everything you're feeling, even the pain and anger, with God.

Prayers to Bring Back Hope: For a Broken Relationship

How do I pray for a broken relationship to be made whole again?

Before we were born God had written a plan, more wonderful than we can imagine, for our lives. No matter how distant that truth might feel right now, it's the truth that must anchor you as your pray about your broken relationship. Trust that God loves you and will work things together for your good. It might not be how you imagine or when you imagine, but you can trust that He is for you and watching over you. The first step to praying for your broken relationship is to give your relationship over to God. Pray this simple prayer: Dear God, I am in pain right now. My heart is broken and I can't imagine how I'm going to move forward with my life. I desperately want you to heal my broken relationship, to bring forgiveness and grace to us and help us reconcile. But, God, I trust you and I come before you now to submit my relationship to you. May your will be done in my life God. Amen

Prayers to Bring Back Hope: For a Broken Relationship

What are some Bible verses about how to pray for a relationship that has broken down?

The Bible contains lots of verses to draw comfort and strength from when relationships break down. Psalm 34:18 says: "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those whose spirits are crushed." And in Isaiah 41 we find further encouragement: "Don't be afraid, because I'm with you. Don't be scared, because I'm your God. I will strengthen you, help you, and hold you up with my righteous right hand." The reminder, throughout scripture, is that we are not alone in our pain. God is our constant companion and He draws close in difficult times. Use these Bible verses to inspire your prayer time, setting aside quality time for you and Jesus. As you pray, thank God for His comfort and ask Him to come alongside you in this painful season of life.

Prayers for a broken relationship: Embracing Forgiveness And Blessing

One of the most powerfully healing things you can do when your heart is broken is to forgive the other party and to bless them. No matter how raw and deep your pain and no matter how devastated you feel, something as simple as speaking a blessing over them can be truly liberating. In Romans 12 we're told to live in 'peace with everyone'. And Colossians 3 provides further challenge when it says 'forgive each other if you have a problem with someone'.

But, how can I forgive the person who broke up with me?

It can feel impossible to forgive someone who's hurt you, can't it? In truth, if we just rely on our own strength then it can be a struggle to truly forgive. Thankfully, God equips and empowers us to forgive others just as He forgives us. With God's strength we are able to forgive even the most painful of wrongs, releasing us to move forward in wholeness. Find a minute or two to pray this prayer: Dear Jesus, I hold the person who hurt me up before you now, picturing them in my mind. Please help me to forgive them. Soften my heart and release me from bitterness and anger, no matter how justified it feels. I ask you to bless them God. Please bless their work, make it prosperous. Please bless their health, their sleep and the relationships in their life. Amen Every day that passes, pay attention to your thought life and whenever you have a negative thought about someone who hurt you, counteract it by speaking a blessing over them. It sounds simple but it makes a huge difference to how quickly and fully you're able to properly forgive someone.

How can I pray to make up with someone who hurt me?

If, after a break up, you've both decided you'd like to reconcile and try again then prayer can be a big part of repairing the relationship. Prayer can help you both find a fresh perspective on your relationship, to let go of hurts and refocus on what counts. Here are some suggestions for how to pray to fix a broken relationship:

  1. Get someone to pray with you. This might feel embarrassing but it can be a good idea to ask someone you trust to pray with you. Is there a couple who's relationship you respect and admire? Or perhaps a church leader who's input you value? Having a third party with you while you pray can help to keep the time of prayer focused and healthly.
  2. Meditate on scripture. Begin your prayer time by meditating on scripture. To make it simple try using an audio Bible or a devotional on Glorify. Doing this can create a good atmosphere to begin your prayer time and help connect you to God's heart for your life.
  3. Let God speak. Make sure your prayer time is a conversation by asking God to speak to you. Give Him the space and time to speak into your life and guide you. His perspective on your relationship may be completely different to yours.
  4. Ask for good communication. Ask God to bless your communications with your loved one. Ask for a blessing of grace and understanding for both of you and for protection against misunderstandings.

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