
Living With A True Peace Of Mind

Living With A True Peace Of Mind

We live in a busy, complex and, at times, chaotic world. In this fast-moving and ever-changing environment, one of the great challenges is that of maintaining a peace of mind. Whether it be through a change in personal circumstances, the emergence of financial crises or a sudden global pandemic, for many of us the modern world can often challenge our peace and provoke us to anxiety and uncertainty. So, what does Scripture have to say about living with a true peace of mind?

Living With A True Peace Of Mind

Peace as an anchor

Many of us long for real, true peace. A peace that is not temporary nor transient. A peace that anchors our minds, our bodies and souls. And a peace that remains through all circumstances, trials and challenges. The good news is that the Bible promises us a true, eternal and never-failing peace! There are a number of biblical passages which talk about the reality of receiving this peace of God. A supernatural peace that is made possible through Christ. Scripture promises an eternal and ongoing peace that we can experience first hand. It promises us a peace which can fill us fully, taking root in our soul, our mind and our body. This peace that God gives is bigger than any circumstance, more powerful than any external challenge and more permanent than any feeling of anxiety.

God’s promise of peace

In the New Testament, we encounter a clear promise of real, everlasting peace. In John 14:27 Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jesus is comforting His disciples at a time when they are feeling anxious and uncertain. He recognises their absence of peace and He promises them an answer for their anxiety. In this same passage, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit, who will come and equip them. This advocate will teach them and remind them of all the things that Jesus had said to them. Just like the disciples, we have access to this comforter, the Holy Spirit, in our lives today.

Living With A True Peace Of Mind

Supernatural peace

Jesus gives the disciples a promise of supernatural peace and He extends that promise to us too. Only Jesus can give something that the world cannot give, a peace that supersedes and transcends all circumstances. And this peace can be ours today. Jesus is saying to us, 2000 years on, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” It is not something we have to earn nor something we have to wait for. It is a promise that can be ours today, which can comfort our hearts and dispel our fear. In the midst of any feelings of anxiety or worry, we can receive a supernatural divinely-given peace.

An all-encompassing peace

God’s promise of peace is not just a peace that meets us temporarily. It is a peace which remains forever and which fills us entirely. As we read in Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” We can be confident that the peace that God has in store for each of us is a peace that fills us completely. It is a peace that stills our troubled souls, bodies and minds. Through receiving this peace of God we can live with a true and eternal peace of mind. We don’t need to worry about the circumstances of life, for this is a peace of mind that remains through all seasons and life events.

Living With A True Peace Of Mind

Here in Romans 15, we also read that the way that we access this filling of peace is through our trust in God. We do not need to do anything. We do not need to earn God’s gift of peace. Rather, we simply need to trust in God. By choosing to put our faith in Him, we recognise that we don’t have all the answers and that we can’t manufacture this peace in our own strength. Instead, we recognise that only God can give us this true and eternal peace. We choose to put our faith in Him, trusting in His generosity, goodness and provision.

A peace which guards our hearts and minds

The peace that God promises is also a peace that protects and guards. Through Scripture we can be reassured that God’s peace will guard our minds. As we read in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” One of the great promises of Scripture is that God is our protector. He is our shield, our refuge and our strength. And, as we read here in Philippians, He promises us a peace which will guard our hearts and our minds. In the ancient world, the heart was considered to be the centre of the soul. It was thought to be the seat of intelligence and the most important organ in the body. So, to have a peace which guards the heart is to have a peace which guards the most sacred and central part of who you are. Yet this peace will also guard our minds. When we are wrestling with mental health issues and are confronted with challenges to our minds, it is encouraging and comforting to be assured that God has equipped each of us to live with a true and eternal peace of mind. We can be confident that God's peace will always be a shield of protection that guards our minds. This promise of peace that God offers can be yours today. Take some time today to rest in Scriptures' promises of a peace of mind and simply receive this gift from the Lord. Ask Him for this peace which transcends understanding and, through trusting in Him, rest in His miraculous gift of true and everlasting peace. Photos by Onur Emre on Unsplash

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