
God Loves You! 5 Biblical Quotes To Remind You Of The Truth

God Loves You! 5 Biblical Quotes To Remind You Of The Truth

“God loves you!” has been the quoted refrain of Christians for centuries. God’s Holy and unchanging love for humanity is the banner under which followers of Jesus live amid this broken world. The empty grave serves as a daily reminder that Christ died painfully for us and rose again in glory for us. Why? Because He loves us. Love is at the centre of the Christian faith. It is received and given in Christian community. It is the core of our identity: we are loved. God, after all, IS love (1 John 4:8). If you’re anything like me, it is too easy to live as if we actually don’t have that revelation. It’s like our head superficially knows it, but our heart somehow doesn’t live it. We play out our lives insecure and uncertain, worried and anxious, almost as if we don’t believe the Saviour of the entire universe genuinely and unconditionally loves us. We say it, but do we mean it?

God Loves You! 5 Biblical Quotes To Remind You Of The Truth

Pause. And remember God Loves You.

Sometimes, it is important to stop for a moment and be mindful that God truly loves us. This is real truth. As a result, we can rely on it. Consequently, here are five useful “God loves you” quotes to chew on as a starter. Try to read these scriptures afresh. Read them slowly. Let them soak into your soul. Understanding God’s love isn’t an academic exercise. It is the key to a deep, intimate and personal relationship with a Holy God.

God Loves You! 5 Biblical Quotes To Remind You Of The Truth

1. God Loves You … And Nothing Can Change That Reality

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39 Paul was convinced of Christ’s love for us. He had landed in a place where he was utterly convinced of God’s enduring love for His people. It’s a scripture that can provide us with deep security. For if Paul was convinced, so can we be. I wonder what your “conviction” level is for how much God loves you today. Allow yourself to go up a notch. His love for you is real and it is going nowhere. Hold tight to that truth.

2. God Loves You … Even With All Of Your Mistakes

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 Jesus didn’t wait for us to 'get better' or 'sort ourselves out' before He acted in love on our behalf. Quite the opposite. Jesus died for us while we were at our worst. This, then, is how much He loves us. If you ever feel insecure as a Christian, allow yourself to be drawn back to this reality. Christ’s love for you is not dependent on how 'good' you are. It is given to you unconditionally. In every failure and mistake, remember that Christ’s love for you has not budged an inch. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you less. Hold tight to that thought.

3. God Loves You … With A GREAT Love

"But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5 When reflecting on Biblical quotes about God’s love, I am often drawn back to this one. For some reason, the word GREAT jumps at me. It challenges me. Often, I find myself thinking that God 'probably' loves me, but that love is probably more akin to 'He doesn’t mind me' or 'He sometimes gets a bit annoyed at me'. It’s an insecurity that somehow I don’t make the grade for God. I don’t know if you ever feel the same? When I read this verse, I am confronted by the idea that God’s love for me (and you) might be a GREAT love. Maybe God’s love is far wider, deeper and more spectacular than I ever give Him credit for. This is worth reflecting on. If you are feeling lost, lonely or simply not enough, be drawn back to this verse. Remember that God loves you with a great love. He is rich in mercy. He has saved you by grace. This gospel is a stunning and life-transforming reality. Be mindful of it today.

God Loves You! 5 Biblical Quotes To Remind You Of The Truth

4. God Loves you … Like A Perfect Father Loves His Children

"Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as His children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all." Hebrews 12:7-8 This verse may not instinctively feel like a classic “God loves you” quote, but bear with me. Sometimes, as we reflect on God’s love, we can drift into ethereal 'warm and fuzzy' thoughts about God’s generic happy love for us all - as if life is easy all the time. It’s a nice idea, but can appear detached from the hardships of life that we all face. How, then, do we understand God’s love for us in tougher times? This verse gives us clues. Although God does not inflict us with evil, He transcends the world's brokenness to teach us, grow us and discipline us. Why? Because He loves us as His children and wants to help us mature healthily. Every good parent disciplines their child. Our Heavenly Father is no different. If you are feeling challenged by life, don’t see it as evidence that God doesn’t like you. Rather, acknowledge the brokenness of our world and consider whether God might be using it to teach you something. Why? Because it will help you remember you are His child. You are seen and loved. God is with you in whatever trial you are facing.

5. God Loves You … Because Of Who He Is

"But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." Psalm 86:15 God loves us because that is fundamentally who He is. It’s not about who we are or the mistakes we have made. God is, by nature, a God of deep and unconditional love. He abounds in love. He is love. That love is for us. Drink it in. As Christians, then, we are followers of this God of love. We can rest in that. We can base our lives on that. Amid all of our stresses and insecurities, our God never changes. If it helps, you can also check out some of our Glorify meditations on God's love. They are a practical tool to enable you to experience this reality! God. Loves. You. Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash Photo by Aung Soe Min on Unsplash

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