
God Has A Plan For You

God Has A Plan For You

We can feel lost in the universe sometimes, and it can be hard to believe that God has a plan for our lives. Does He really care for us? Can He really see what we are going through? At times like this, it can be really helpful to go back to the Bible to reread the verses that remind us that God really does have a plan for our lives.

God Has A Plan For You

Plans to prosper you

The most famous verse that declares that God has a plan for us is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." In this verse, God was speaking to the exiled Israelites. They were living in Babylon, where God had instructed them to settle in the land, marry and have children. God told them to pray for blessing on the place where they were living, but He also reminded them that they would return to their own land after 70 years. This promise given to them by the prophet Jeremiah was to remind the people that God hadn’t forgotten them, and that He would eventually call them home again. Do you need reminding in your current situation that God hasn’t forgotten you? Perhaps you have been waiting for a promotion at work or perhaps you are waiting on God for something else in your life. May this verse remind you that God remembers your heart's cry. He hears your prayers. He has not forgotten you and He has good plans for your life.

God Has A Plan For You

Asking God for guidance

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 This verse is a more practical outworking of guidance. How do we actually hear God's will for our lives? Sometimes it feels overwhelming to know that God has a plan for us. What if we get it wrong or we mishear Him? One of the most helpful images of guidance for me is that of an airplane flying. To navigate an airplane successfully, the pilot must continually make tiny adjustments and in the end, the plane will get where it needs to go. We can apply this principle to our lives too. Just make a choice as best as you can, after praying, reading the Bible and discussing it with loved ones. If, after a while, the choice that you made doesn’t fit right, then ask God to guide you again and show you when to make another change. Some choices are for the long haul, like choosing a life partner, but others, such as taking a job or moving house, can be changed if they aren’t right. Sometimes we feel frozen into paranoia, but it is better to start moving forwards and keep asking God for His guidance as we walk. Let's break this verse down a little bit.

Trust in the Lord

It can be easy to put all the onus onto ourselves, but we aren’t in charge of our lives: God is. So, trust Him. Trust that He will guide and speak to you as you make your way through life. Trust that He will nudge you if something needs to change.

Lean not on your own understanding

Sometimes a choice may seem obvious to the outsider, but when it’s your path that you are walking, there are factors that they don't know about. There is your vocation or calling, and there is that gut feeling, the inexplicable urge that draws you to a certain decision without you fully knowing why. Sometimes we are drawn to do things that don’t make sense to others, but they do to us. Go with that.

In all your ways submit to Him

When you make a decision, submit it to God. Say, Lord, I'm choosing to do this. If it isn't right for me, please close the door. Ask Him to open the right doors for you too.

He will make your paths straight

Have faith that God cares enough to make your paths straight, even if they don't seem to be now. Sometimes things only make sense in hindsight and with enough space for reflection, so trust in that and just keep walking.

Remember we are all a work in progress

Romans 8:28 reminds us that, "In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him." Even if we make a wrong turn, or something doesn’t work out, God can still use it. He can reposition us, He can teach us about His nature. All is not lost.

He cares for us

In Psalm 139, the psalmist praises God, saying: "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14) Sometimes, in all of our rushing to make sure we are doing the right thing, we forget to be thankful for the moment we are living in right now. This Psalm always helps me to stop what I am doing and to remember that above all, I am God's child. He loves me and wants the best for me. Sometimes we all need to stop and remember that God loves us for who we are not what we do.

A prayer

If you are struggling to find God's direction for your life right now, then why not use this prayer to bring your plans before God? "Heavenly Father, Thank You that You have a plan for my life. Thank You that Your thoughts towards me outnumber the grains of sand. I bring to You this situation now where what I should do isn't clear. Show me Your will for my life. Show me what I should do in this situation. Guide my steps, Lord. Amen." I hope this blog has reminded you of the Bible verses showing that God has a plan for your life. Be encouraged that He hears every cry of your heart. Finally, if you are looking for more blogs on guidance, have a look at the Glorify App.

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