RelationshipsBible Study

Find Identity Where It Matters Most

Find Identity Where It Matters Most

With God, we can find identity where it matters most. His definition of us is absolute, because He’s the One who made us.

Find Identity Where It Matters Most

“In Jesus, we do not lose our true selves, but we become our true selves.” John Piper The book of Psalms features a wide variety of themes, but the predominant ones emphasize prayer, praise and worship. There are 73 psalms that many authors have compiled and given to David. The psalms were written over a long period of Israel’s history. Today begins a deep dive into our God-given identities. We’re going to search the Bible together to discover who we are. Today’s passage is Psalm 139, verse 13 and 14: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Find Identity Where It Matters Most

Take a moment to settle yourself. Breathe deeply. Gently nudge your scattered focus heavenward. How are you feeling as you start this new day? Let’s use this opportunity to commit the next seven days to Jesus, saying this prayer: “Dear God, you know me better than I know myself. You see everything I’m going through. Would you fill me with your Holy Spirit this week? Lead me, guide me, comfort me, and protect me. I surrender my burdens and desires to you. Help me to do your will as I go from here. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Who am I?

Today, we’re confronting one of life’s biggest questions: Who am I? All of us long to know who we are. So, who are you? Dive inward for a moment. As the question settles, identify the thoughts flitting across your mind. What words are you using to describe yourself? Are they kind and empowering or laced with self-doubt? Does your internal narrative surprise you? Don’t be afraid to capture some of these thoughts on a note. As we embark on this journey of discovery together, you might be amazed at how your self-understanding evolves.

We need a guide

Identity isn’t a simple issue. It’s a complex journey of God-seeking and self-realization; a puzzle with pieces scattered across our experiences, values and beliefs. Even the most self-aware among us could use a guide. Thankfully, there’s no better guide than Jesus. Over the coming weeks, His Word will be the revealing lamp to our curious feet.

Find Identity Where It Matters Most

Author Eugene Peterson writes this: “My identity does not begin when I begin to understand myself. There is something previous to what I think about myself, and it is what God thinks of me.” This is today’s foundational truth. Your identity doesn’t start with you. It starts with God. Or, to put it another way, knowing who you are begins with knowing whose you are.

Who you are and whose You are

This was David’s revelation in today’s Passage. Did you hear it? His confident expression of his identity (“I am fearfully and wonderfully made”) was rooted entirely in his knowledge of the One who created him and knit him together. In a relativistic society filled with “my truth” and “your truth”, we can sometimes feel like a boat drifting in a storm without an anchor. There’s nothing to hold onto. Amid the cacophony of cultural noise, we don’t know what to believe about anything, including ourselves. With God, though, we can find certainty in our identity. His definition of us is absolute, because He’s the One who made us. You might be thinking: What does God think of me? Well, the answer is beautifully reassuring.

Helpful Bible references:

In Matthew 10, He says you are valuable. 1 Peter 2, He says you are chosen In Ephesians 2, He says you are a masterpiece. John 3, He says you are deeply loved. So let’s close, by praying confidently like David: “Heavenly Father, I acknowledge you today as my maker. You created my inner being. You know me, deeply and intimately. Consequently, I will praise you. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am your wonderful work, and no-one can ever tell me otherwise. Help me to live in this truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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