
Christian Declarations For The New Year

Christian Declarations For The New Year

Many of us make resolutions or set goals but have you ever tried a Christian declaration for the new year? Often, resolutions can be around saving money, getting out of debt or losing weight. Unfortunately, we've all heard the statistics on how long resolutions last. For example, gym memberships rise in January, but by the end of the month, we've stopped going. This year, I decided not to make a resolution. Instead, I will simply speak what the Bible says about me and apply His principles to my life: a Christian declaration for the new year. I've realized that if I don't come into agreement with God's word for my life by actually applying the Bible's teachings, my resolutions won't last long. So I'm making some declarations that agree with God's word on which I will stand. While I have some personal declarations, all Christians can make declarations over their lives. Here are some declarations you can use.

Christian Declarations For The New Year

I Am... Blessed

Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Psalms 32:1

Regardless of what we see, we are blessed. Unfortunately, we tend to look at our lives through physical eyes. We concentrate on what is lacking rather than what we have. When we focus on what we have rather than what we don't, we are filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. We may not eat out every night, but we always have food. We don't have a large house, but we have shelter. Our children may put us to the test at times, but they are here and safe. We are also blessed because we serve a holy God who sent His only Son to show us the Father. He has given us life, and more abundant life, because of Jesus Christ. We have enough because God lavishes His grace, favor and mercy on us every day. Even when things go wrong, we can pray and speak blessings over our situations. We can breathe new life into our marriages and other relationships. By His grace, we can pray for our children's safety and the safety of their schools. We can pray for wayward children, asking the Lord to grant us patience and to help us set a good example. We are truly blessed.

Christian Declarations For The New Year

I Am... Faithful

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

We will remain faithful to the Lord regardless of how we feel, what we experience or endure in 2023. Regardless of our experiences, we will continue to study the Bible. We will recognize and obey God's voice and be faithful to serve Him in 2023. We will not allow distractions to keep us from doing what God invites us into. If we are called to teach, we will do so. We will sing if we are called to do so. If we are called to write books, we will do so. If God tells us to start a blog, we will do so. We will go to the sick and lonely if He tells us to. Whatever God tells us to do, we will do it faithfully. God can rely on us in 2023.

Christian Declarations For The New Year

I Am... Healthy And Fit

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 1 Corinthians 3:16

We need to be healthy and fit because our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We must be healthy to carry out the ministry God has given us. How can we go out and love people if we are exhausted and burned out? We declare that 2023 will be the year we will work diligently toward achieving and maintaining our health. This year, we will start and stick to an exercise routine. We'll get enough rest and look after ourselves. The better we care for ourselves, the better we can care for and minister to others.

I Am... A Good Steward

In Luke 16:1-9 Jesus teaches the value of being a good steward of what we have been entrusted. This year, let's declare that we will be responsible stewards of our homes, jobs, businesses, families and finances. God has placed people and things in our hands, under our care and influence, which He wants us to impact for the kingdom of heaven. What are we doing with the resources we have? Are we instilling goodness in our children? What are we doing with our money? Are we devoted to our jobs? This year, we will be good stewards of everything God has given us. We will not squander our time or money. All of these things will be offered to the Lord.

I Am... What I Am

"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect." 1 Corinthians 15:10 This year we fully embrace who God has called us to be, without apology. We will not be silenced this year or be concerned about what others think of us. We will say with Paul: "I am what I am." God blessed us to be who we are, and we owe no explanation or apology to anyone. Christians can walk in complete confidence in who we are in Christ in 2023. These are just five of many declarations we can make and live by in 2023. This year, don't settle for less than your full potential. Don't succumb to fear, doubt or laziness. Every morning, stand up and declare who you are. You are blessed, you are dependable and you are an excellent steward. Fear, uncertainty and insecurity will be eliminated from your lives. Declare it now... and walk in it this year! Photos by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

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