
A Proverbs 31 Devotional

A Proverbs 31 Devotional

Proverbs 31 contains a rich, beautiful, image of womanhood in the Bible. Focusing on the incredible picture painted in these verses during your quiet time can help deepen your relationship with God and grow your confidence as a woman.

This Proverbs 31 devotional celebrates some of the wonderful character attributes found in this famous and celebrated chapter of the Bible. As you read this devotional, using it in your quiet time with God, ask Him to highlight one of the words for you to meditate on in this season of life.

God is always doing a unique and wonderful work in you, so let Him guide you in what you focus on and pray about.

A Proverbs 31 Devotional

A Proverbs 31 devotional to read everyday

Whether you’re a young woman finding your way in the world, or a new mum adjusting to family life, finding your identity as a woman of God is an ever changing, evolving process.

God makes and remakes us, drawing us to Him and, as He does, transforming us.

The more you embrace intimacy with God and give Him your wholehearted ‘yes’, the more He will reveal His heart and plans for you.

Drawing inspiration from the descriptions of a good and godly woman in Proverbs 31, we come before God today and humbly ask, ‘please, Jesus, keep transforming us’.

Help me to bring good

"She brings him good not harm." The noble wife in Proverbs is described as bringing good and not harm to her family. It’s so easy to accidentally mess up and hurt someone we love, even with the best of intentions we can end up doing harm instead of good.

Pray with us today: God, I ask You to help me to be an agent of good and not harm, to spread Your goodness and kindness wherever I go.

Make me strong

Proverbs 31 includes a description of the woman’s strength, noting her strong arms. As women we can shy away from strength, but here we find encouragement to embrace ours.

Pray: Make me strong God, strong to do Your work, to support those I love. Help me to embrace and connect with the incredible strength You’ve put in me.

A Proverbs 31 Devotional

Make me fearless

How different would our days be if we didn’t worry about tomorrow? If we simply trusted God to provide for us, to protect us and lead us forward?

Pray: God, I want to laugh at the days to come. I want to live with an abiding trust that You will look after me. Please teach me to be fearless about tomorrow, God, let my trust in You outweigh all my worries.

Trust me with Your wisdom

It takes strength to resist the wisdom of the world and instead yield to the truth and wisdom of God’s word.

Pray: Please, God, give me wise words to bless others with. Help me to know the right thing to say that will affirm and encourage those in my life. Trust me with Your incredible wisdom and let my words turn people towards You and Your goodness.

Finding encouragement in Proverbs 31

This chapter is filled with specific encouragement and guidance for a woman living a life of faith. But, if you’re not married, don’t have children or your life just feels a million miles away from the Proverbs 31 woman, then it can feel a bit inaccessible.

Here are some tips for finding encouragement, no matter your stage or season of life, from Proverbs 31.

Take note of Proverbs 31’s words on beauty

God created a beautiful world. He is the original designer and you can see His love of beauty in every inch of creation. But, the emphasis on beauty for women can so often be crippling and destructive. Take note, then, of the beginning of verse 30 where it says "charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting."

Your worth and value as a woman of God are not determined by your beauty. Remember that today and every day to come.

The most important characteristic for any woman

Verse 30 of Proverbs 31 ends with this line: “a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

No matter what stage of life you’re in, this is a key teaching to hold onto. It is wise and praiseworthy to fear the Lord.

Fearing God leads us into a humble posture of coming before Him, completely relying on Him and inviting Him into our every decision. The wonderful irony of fearing God is that the more we fear Him, the more fearlessly we can live our lives.

Brilliant daily devotional tools for women inspired by Proverbs 31

There are lots of brilliant devotional tools to use in your quiet time. From 90 day devotionals written by inspiring, Godly women to reading plans and prayer guides.

Here are some tools to try in your quiet time over the coming months. Let them encourage you in your pursuit of Jesus and grow your confidence as a woman of God.

Strong by Lisa Bevere

A 90 day devotional written by Bible teacher and mother of four, Lisa Bevere.

Audio Bible on Glorify

Try listening to the incredible stories of different women in the Bible. There’s the courageous story of Esther who risked everything to save her people. Or a story of loyalty and devotion between mother and daughter-in-law, Ruth and Naomi. Or, you could listen to the moving moment when Mary Magdalene discovers Jesus’ empty tomb.

Prayer Journal

Whether digital or paper, a prayer journal is a brilliant tool to use. As you listen to inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and pray through a Proverbs 31 devotional, note down what you hear and feel from God.

Find encouragement with others

One of the best ways to deepen your relationship with God is to connect with other disciples. Whether you reach out to others in your church, or start an online prayer group, sharing your journey with others can bring fresh perspectives and healthy challenge into your walk with God.

Try and journey with others in a different stage of life to you too. Women becoming grandmothers can be a huge source of wisdom and encouragement to new mums, for example. The more we connect with other Christians, across the generations, the fuller our picture of who God is gets.

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